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Star Wars: The Last Jedi visual effects revealed

Trump’s 2020 Campaign Announcement Had a Very Trumpian Rollout

Oscars 2018: What's up for best foreign language film?

Supreme Court curbs rights of immigrants awaiting deportation

West Virginia teachers end four-day strike after pay raise agreement

War for the Planet of the Apes: Visual effects revealed

The end of asking for the bill

Morecambe and Wise: Rescuing a 'lost' film

Samsung Galaxy S9 gets super slow-mo and AR emojis

Miniature heart inventor

Retina scan could predict health risks and other news

Afghanistan's Ghani offers talks with Taliban 'without preconditions'

Failed osteoarthritis drug could help treat opioid addiction

China's military flexes muscles for domestic objective: more funding

Saudi crown prince says corruption purge supports budget: Washington Post

Jerusalem's Church of Holy Sepulchre reopens after protest

Canada gravely concerned by Myanmar's jailing of journalists

Russian truce plan fails to halt bombing of Syria's Ghouta

Trump discusses Iran in calls with Saudi, UAE leaders: White House

U.S.-Russian crew returns from space station: NASA TV

Trump Losing College-Educated Whites? He Never Won Them in the First Place

The New Health Care: What Happens When You Let Babies Feed Themselves?

Hundreds of Simulated Maps Show How Well Democrats Fared in Pennsylvania

Tech Envisions the Ultimate Start-Up: An Entire City

Why Markets Have Gotten So Jumpy

Extra Doorbells, Satellite Dishes: How Cities Search for People the Census May Miss

Democrats Didn’t Even Dream of This Pennsylvania Map. How Did It Happen?

Numbers Hint at Why #MeToo Took Off: The Sheer Number Who Can Say Me Too

The Economy Is Getting Hotter. Is a Productivity Boom Next?

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

California Could Become First State to Force Universities to Provide Abortion Pill

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

'Crash and burn'

Rail regulation

Hitler's helper? Reichstag fire 85 years on

No Bail Hearings for Detained Immigrants, Supreme Court Rules

California Today: California Today: Some Central Valley Crops Imperiled by Cold

Fed Chair Powell Indicates He’ll Keep Bolstering Growth in Public Debut

Florida, Comcast, Delta Air Lines: Your Tuesday Briefing

The 52 Places Traveler: In Montgomery, a City Embedded With Pain, Finding Progress

How Boston’s Airport Bounced Back From the Storm That Crippled J.F.K.

Papua New Guinea officials say whole villages flattened by deadly quake

Indian police probing graft case arrest son of former finance minister Chidambaram

Teenager wants to raise awareness of rare eye condition

Vietnam War child finds father in America 45 years on

Powerful new imaging method reveals in detail how particles move in solution

Stars around the Milky Way: Cosmic space invaders or victims of galactic eviction?

Hidden 'rock moisture' possible key to forest response to drought

Nanomushroom sensors: One material, many applications

How biofuels from plant fibers could combat global warming

Fossil turtle species, 5.5 million years old, sheds light on invasive modern relatives

Human neural stem cell grafts to repair spinal cord injuries in monkeys

Scorpion venom component can reduce severity of rheumatoid arthritis

Sleuths find metal in 'metal-free' catalysts

Complete genomes of extinct and living elephants sequenced

Reduce crime and gun violence and stabilize neighborhoods: A randomized controlled study

Humans changed the ecosystems of Central Africa more than 2,600 years ago

Tracking data reveal the secret lives of marine animals

Receptor protects against allergies, asthma

Brain can navigate based solely on smells

Series of storms more than 150 years ago caused extensive erosion of the Carpinteria Salt Marsh

New understanding of ocean turbulence could improve climate models

Life in world's driest desert seen as sign of potential life on Mars

Flu forecasting system tracks geographic spread of disease

New technology may protect troops from blast-induced brain injury

Global fossil fuel emissions of hydrocarbons are underestimated

The onset of Alzheimer's disease: The importance of family history

For energy experts, new method is a gas

Improved method of treating pancreatic cancer

Watch fat cells help heal a wound in a fly

Climate value of Earth's intact forests

Social circle questions may better predict election outcomes

Going with the DNA flow: Molecule of life finds new uses in microelectronics

Beaming with the light of millions of suns

Low magnesium levels make vitamin D ineffective

Seeing the brain's electrical activity

Syrian women 'sexually exploited' by aid workers

Vietnam War child finds father in America 45 years on

The tunnels that house old Korans

How to speak like Black Panther

Why legal US cannabis businesses can’t use banks

How do you escape an abusive relationship when no one will listen?

Hurricane Harvey: Still homeless six months later

Dramatic dog rescue captured on camera in Vancouver

Siberian blast: European scenes of ice and snow

Trump: I would have run into Florida school

Inside an IDF counter-terror training exercise

Fighting female suicide in a country with a tragic record

Accused Florida gunman to appear in court as gun debate rages