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Retro Report: Do Stronger Gun Laws Stand a Chance? It’s Been an Uphill Battle.

News Analysis: Libya as a Model for Disarmament? North Korea May See It Very Differently

What Today’s Gun Control Activists Can Learn From Old Battles

Left vs. Left: Richard Cordray and Dennis Kucinich Battle for Governor of Ohio

Los Angeles Tests the Power of ‘Play Streets’

James H. Cone, a Founder of Black Liberation Theology, Dies at 79

U.S. Allies Brace for Trade War as Tariff Negotiations Stall

Fake five-star reviews being bought and sold online

Fortnite: 13-year-old is game's youngest professional player

How to handle the flood of GDPR privacy updates

Tech Tent: the technology of pleasure

Deadline to amend UK surveillance laws

GDPR: Your data protection questions answered

Golden State Killer suspect traced using genealogy websites

Canada data firm AIQ may face legal action in UK

Sinclair Spectrum designer Rick Dickinson dies in US

IS web media targeted in EU-led attack

Wildlife photo competition disqualifies 'stuffed anteater' image

Snapchat releases new Spectacles 2.0

Facebook's Zuckerberg faces formal summons from MPs

Revenge porn hub taken down by Dutch police raid

Video game loot boxes declared illegal under Belgium gambling laws

Gun emoji disarmed as Microsoft follows Google toy switch

Nintendo Switch fuels strong rise in profits

Trump thanks Kanye West for Twitter compliments

Galileo: UK plan to launch rival to EU sat-nav system

Gene secrets

Data watch

Maine Democrats Refuse to Pass Law Forbidding 'Barbaric Practice' on Little Girls

Really worthless?

Oklahoma Makes 'I Can Only Imagine' the Official State Inspirational Song

This Indiana Law Seeks to Protect Health of Women, 'Does Planned Parenthood Have Something to Hide?'

Semis Line Up on Detroit Highway to Form Safety Net Around Suicidal Man

'Climate Change Denier' Marc Morano Pushes Back on Global Warming Hysteria

Migrants from caravan in limbo as U.S. says border crossing full

Global elites to hash out #MeToo sexual misconduct issues at Milken Conference

Fourth suspect sought in New Orleans rape probe after three U.S. Marines arrested

Macron and Trump planted tree at the White House. Why it is now missing

Arizona governor announces deal to raise teacher pay on second day of walkout

Fortnite: 13-year-old is game's youngest professional player

Yesterday in Styles: 2004: How Untucked Shirts Became a Male Uniform

Can San Diego Ditch the Power Company? Not Without a Fight

Kevin’s Week in Tech: Let’s Check In on the Other Social Networks, Shall We?

Tech Tip: Making More Room for a Nook Library

Amazon’s Profit Swells to $1.6 Billion, Lifted by Its Cloud Business

Microsoft’s Cloud Has Business Booming Again

How a Genealogy Site Led to the Front Door of the Golden State Killer Suspect

Tech Tip: Adding Fonts to an iPad

Facebook’s Privacy Scandal Appears to Have Little Effect on Its Bottom Line

YouTube Kids, Criticized for Content, Introduces New Parental Controls

What Amazon’s New Headquarters Could Mean for Rents

Tech Tip: How to Juice and Jam at the Same Time

Twitter Stays on an Upswing, With Its Second Straight Quarter of Profit

DUP leader: Brexit negotiations have 'become aggressive'

The Shift: Workers of Silicon Valley, It’s Time to Organize

Wanted at Chinese Start-Ups: Attractive Women to Ease Coders’ Stress

Facebook Replaces Lobbying Executive Amid Regulatory Scrutiny

European Regulators Ask if Facebook Is Taking Too Much Data

Afghan farmers stick to growing opium in the face of less lucrative options

Tech Tip: Posting PDF Files on Facebook

The Toronto Van Attack Victims: What We Know

ConocoPhillips Wins $2 Billion Ruling Over Venezuelan Seizure

Golden State Killer: The end of a 40-year hunt?

Meghan Markle: The Biggest Influencer of All?

What Is an Incel? A Term Used by the Toronto Van Attack Suspect, Explained

When Toronto Suspect Said ‘Kill Me,’ an Officer Put Away His Gun

Migrant Caravan Arrives at U.S. Border, but Long Road Awaits

The Toronto Police Officer Who Did Not Shoot

Toronto Van Attack Suspect Expressed Anger at Women

Van Jumps Curb and Kills at Least 10 in Toronto

Herpesvirus: Identifying virus structures that can be attacked by killer T cells

Retro Report: Do Stronger Gun Laws Stand a Chance? It’s Been an Uphill Battle.

Caravans making a comeback

How US police line-ups jail the innocent

The Prosecutor Who Stared Down Bill Cosby

Injecting Drugs Can Ruin a Heart. How Many Second Chances Should a User Get?

Michelle Wolf’s Routine Sets Off a Furor at an Annual Washington Dinner

Judge Gives Trump Admin DACA Deadline, Ruling Program Must Continue

U.S. appeals court allows Texas to implement voter ID law

Unusual eruptions at world's largest active geyser in Yellowstone

Detroit police call for end to paintball war, arrest six people

NBC's Tom Brokaw denies allegation of sexual impropriety in 1990s: reports

Judge puts Stormy Daniels' lawsuit against Trump lawyer on hold

From luxury to life behind bars: What Bill Cosby faces in prison

Ninety-eight now sick from romaine lettuce-linked E. coli: CDC